Saturday, May 17, 2008

dehydration station

Got a nice reminder about hydration today- in the form of the worst cramps I've ever had on the bike! The Soldier Hollow ICUP is usually a tough one for me- its still pretty early and probably requires the most fitness of any race. After a tough week with less than 2 hours on the bike though not much rest I didn't have huge expectations- though Fox did pick me for the win. I felt good for about 3/4 of a lap and even put a little time on Bart. I actually probably went a little too hard. As soon as it came time to pedal again after the 1st dh I knew I didn't have it for the long haul. I had last lap cramping sensations (foreboding) that I've never had that early. Bart caught up to me on the 2nd and then when he lifted the pace on the 3rd lap I was flat. Then the cramps started setting in and progressed to full lock out mode. I had to shake my legs on the dh's and was just hanging on. Worst I've ever had by far.

Thinking back I can see why- woke up Tuesday with some sort of stomach flu- or food poisoning and felt nauseous. Turned in to chills, aches, fever, etc. Wasn't drinking enough water because I didn't feel good enough too. Wed. I felt OK so I went and raced the wed. night but was still a little off. That surely didn't help my hydration status. Thursday and Friday I worked a sunglass expo outside from 8:30 to 6 each day and didn't drink enough. Hydration is a cumulative thing and drinking water last night and this morning couldn't dig me out of that hole. It was a nice reminder though as its about to get a lot hotter!

I still managed 2nd and was over 3 minutes faster than last year even though I was chugging (VT term for going slow) at the end.

Wow, long post. I am just delaying going back down to the expo to pack up. Stopping for a milk shake on the way. Schirf was there taking photos- I'll post some when I get them. Drink up!

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