Sunday, October 19, 2008

redneck weekend

sammi and i went up to idaho and stayed in a forest service cabin (clear creek guard station north east of montpelier, id.) last night. it was nice to get out of town and spend a little time in the woods. we kept it real shooting guns, chopping wood, and drinking beer (then shooting the cans).

it was hunting season so i had to sport my old neon ammo pack on the hike

nice shot...

you can tell i am from vermont by my taste in women...

every hicks dream

made it back just in time for a sweet ride on shoreline with bart, ohran, and jared. bobsled is in killer shape.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

why i love costco

likely none of these will end up in a cookie...

Sunday, October 5, 2008


Headed up Big Cottonwood this morning to check out the snow. There wasn't as much as I thought there would be but it was super pretty.

tons of mist- it had just stopped snowing huge flakes, i missed it

sammi setting up a shot

can't break out the board yet... it will all this week and we'll be riding crest again before the end of the season

raced a little cross yesterday it cold rain and mud. it was fun getting dirty. i felt more comfortable on my cx bike and only crashed once. though it was a sweet crash- slid on my back in mud off the course and had to run back to get my bike. otherwise everything worked except for my front derailleur and i got stuck it my 48t chainring. that gear is a little big without frozen legs. fun stuff though, i am definately going to do a some more of those.